Thursday, June 18, 2009

Short KTPs with the SIRT team

Short KTPs are an extension of the highly successful Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme and will be launched on 1st July.

Like regular KTPs, these "short KTPs" involve a company and a Higher Education Institute (e.g. University) working together on a project driven by the business needs of the company. Funding is a combination of public sector and company money - Government grants of 40 to 60% will be available. The person who works directly on the project can already be an employee of the company or University.

The SIRT team has already worked with companies through the existing KTP scheme in which projects normally last two years. The new short KTPs are designed to tackle shorter-term, more tactical, company needs. The project duration will typically be between 10 and 40 weeks. Both schemes are available throughout the UK.

Anyone interested in working with us through short or regular KTPs, can contact the Centre for Timber Engineering's Alastair Stupart on 0131 455 2831 or by email at

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