Friday, April 3, 2009

Sitka spruce publication - survey

This is an invitation to participate in an online survey.

It has been proposed that a publication be written that summarises the current knowledge about home-grown Sitka spruce, its properties, and its suitability for various products.

A large amount of knowledge on Sitka spruce properties has been generated over the years, but this is currently contained in numerous published and unpublished sources, many of which are not readily accessible. We aim to gather this information together and combine it with the latest research results.

A group consisting of members from various organisations has been formed to oversee and manage this publication. The group consists of:
Dr John Moore (Edinburgh Napier University, coordinator)
Mr Jim Dewar (Forestry Commission)
Dr Barry Gardiner (Forest Research)
Ms Elspeth Macdonald (Forest Research)
Mr John Brazier (formerly Building Research Establishment)
Dr Christine Cahalan (University of Wales, Bangor)
Mr Tim Reynolds (Building Research Establishment)

Based on similar publications for various species in other countries, we are proposing that the publication contains two broad sections. The first section will include an overview of the anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of Sitka spruce wood, while the second will discuss its suitability for various wood products.

Within these two broad sections, there is a number of potential topics which could be included. These are contained in the following questionnaire, which we would be most grateful if you could spare a few moments of your time to answer. Please indicate your opinion on the importance of each of the proposed topics. If there are additional topics that you would like included, please write them in the space provided.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and we appreciate you taking the time to do so. Your responses will help us to produce a publication which best serves its intended audience.

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